General Information
Q) What are your business hours?
A) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8am-9pm
Wednesday: By Appointment
Friday: 8am-2pm
Saturday: 9am-1pm
Q) What payment methods are accepted?
A) Cash, Credit Cards (Visa, Mastercard), Cheque
Q) Where are you located? Is parking available?
A) Our address is 619 Hawthorn Rd, Brighton East, Victoria, 3187. View Map.
Convenient parking and easy access by public transport.
Q) Will I be covered by my Private Health Insurance?
A) We work with all private insurance companies as well as TAC, Work Cover and Veteran Affairs. HICAPS is available on the premises.
Q) What treatments / services do you offer?
A) Clinical Pilates, SCENAR therapy, Electrotherapy, Women’s Health, Weight Management, Real Time Ultrasound and more.
Q) What conditions can you help with and treat?
A) Neck, back and joint pain, headaches, scoliosis, incontinence and more.

Q) What is Electrotherapy?
A) Electrotherapy is the use of electrical energy in the treatment of various diseases and health disorders. It treats the cause not just the symptoms.
Q) Can anyone have Electrotherapy?
A) The main instances where you can’t is if you have a pacemaker, cancer, systemic blood disorder, metal inserted in the area that needs to be treated or if you are pregnant. Before commencing any treatment your physiotherapists will do a thorough assessment and will make sure that it is safe for you to have the treatment.
Q) How many Electrotherapy sessions do I need?
A) This depends on the nature of your condition. While the course generally involves 8-15 sessions you should start to see results in just 1-3 sessions. Your physiotherapist will be able to give you a more accurate indication after your initial assessment.
Q) What are the benefits of Electrotherapy?
A) It is pain free, non-invasive and non-addictive. If medications are required, much lower concentrations are used compared to oral intake or injections.
Q) Is Electrotherapy painful?
A) Electrotherapy is completely pain-free
Q) How long does a treatment session go for?
A) Electrotherapy sessions go for 30 minutes
Q) Is Electrotherapy painful?
A) Electrotherapy is completely pain-free
Q) How long does a treatment session go for?
A) Electrotherapy sessions go for 30 minutes

Q) Can anyone have Balneotherapy?
A) Most people can have balneotherapy. There are, however, some heath conditions where balneotherapy is not recommended. Our physiotherapists will advise you of this during the first complimentary 15 minute consultation. You can also call us on 9576-9233 to ask any questions.
Q) How many Balneotherapy sessions do I need?
A) The course generally involves 8-12 sessions. Most people start feeling improvements after just 3 sessions.
Q) What are the benefits of Balneotherapy?
A) Balneotherapy helps to treat a wide range of conditions, such as arthritis, back pain, dermatitis, psoriasis, fibromyalgia and many more. It is also used for disease prevention, relaxation, weight loss and detoxification.
Q) What are the effects of Balneotherapy?
A) Balneotherapy effects can be grouped into Mechanical, Thermal and Chemical.
Mechanical effects
Mechanical effects are imposed predominantly due to the hydrostatic pressure from the water. This causes fluid to be displaced from the extremities to the internal organs and tissues leading to normalised blood pressure and heart function as well as helping in detoxification processes.
Thermal effects
Thermal effects are achieved because of a higher temperature of the water. Hyperthermia (increased temperature) leads to the release of endogenous opioids (natural pain killers and feel good hormones) such as endorphins and enkephalins, vasodilatation, and helps to reduce muscular and vascular spasm. These changes help reduce pain, improve local and systemic blood circulation and lead to a greater sense of general wellbeing.
Chemical effects
Chemical effects are the main effects in balneotherapy. Mineral water provides versatile chemical effects which depend on its mineral composition. The minerals and gases dissolved in water could be absorbed through the skin in minor yet pharmacologically active concentrations. The absorbed components could improve the immune and metabolic processes, supply antioxidants, provide antibacterial and antifungal effects for the skin, and correct the endocrine regulation. This leads to anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain relieving) effects, better antioxidant status and advanced immune defense, efficient detoxification and weight maintenance, rejuvenated skin, improved mood and reduced anxiety and depression, and many other positive changes in the physical and emotional wellbeing.
Q) What are the spa/bath types?
A) In our practice we use a variety of spas which possess different therapeutic properties. This enables us to prescribe the most efficient spa treatment for specific pathological conditions or for improving general health and wellbeing.
Hydrogen-sulfide baths
The hydrogen-sulfide baths are prescribed for the treatment of rheumatic diseases, orthopedic and posttraumatic conditions, dermatological and cardiovascular pathologies. They improve immunity and the antioxidant status.
Iodide-bromine baths
The iodide-bromine baths provide therapeutic effects similar to the hydrogen-sulfide ones. They also contain calming components which help in relaxation of the central nervous system and result in reduction of panic attacks, excitability and improvement of sleep.
Carbonic baths
The carbonic acid mineral waters baths help in treating lower limbs ischemia (varicose veins, peripheral vascular disease), heart problems, hypertension, and provide a strong antioxidant effect.
Oxygen baths
The oxygen baths normalise blood pressure, take off the tension in the cerebral cortex, elevate the mood, improve sleep, appetite and raise vitality. Oxygen partially dissolves in water and creates on skin a so-called gas cape. Skin becomes saturated with oxygen leading to its rejuvenation and improved condition. The oxygen from the bath is supplied through vessels and capillaries to internal organs and tissues improving their oxygenation and metabolism.
Sodium chloride baths
The sodium chloride baths are predominantly used in dermatological, orthopedic and posttraumatic conditions, as well as rheumatic, neurological, and gynecological problems.
Sodium bicarbonate baths
The sodium bicarbonate baths are very efficient for treating dermatological diseases such as atopic and contact dermatitis and psoriasis.
Q) How does balneotherapy work for dermatological conditions?
A) The mineral elements or gases e.g. hydrogen sulphide dissolved in the water bind free radicals, regulate expression of anti-inflammatory mediators and cytokines hence reducing inflammation and itching sensation. This helps to eliminate the symptoms and improve the overall condition of your skin. The treatment effects of balneotherapy for dermatological conditions were documented in many research and clinical studies.

Clinical Pilates
Q) Can anyone do Clinical Pilates?
A) Yes, anyone can take up Clinical Pilates. Your custom program is made especially to suit your capabilities, needs, and goals
Q) How many sessions do I need?
A) Research has shown that the normal soft tissue healing time (i.e. the time required for an injury to heal) is approximately 13 weeks. Therefore, in order to see real results you should exercise two times per week for 13 weeks. In most cases, however, people start to notice improvements much earlier (after 2-3 weeks). Your progress is strictly monitored each session a formal reassessment takes place every 7 weeks. This goes for 30 minutes and is complimentary.
Q) Why choose Clinical Pilates over regular Pilates?
A) Clinical Pilates is conducted by qualified Physiotherapists with a sound knowledge of the working body to better benefit you.
Q) What should I wear?
A) Comfortable clothes such as track suits and socks.

Scenar Therapy
Q) How is SCENAR therapy different?
A) The SCENAR is a portable device which makes it indispensable in treating small areas, such as the thumbs and areas with tricky anatomy where the use of electrodes would be difficult. It is also the best treatment approach for a number of pathologies. Your physiotherapist will be able to advise you on which electrotherapy modality you will benefit from the most after your initial assessment.
Q) How many sessions do I need?
A) This depends on the nature of your condition. Generally the course involves 8-15 sessions which are conducted 3 times per week. Your physiotherapist will be able to give you a more accurate indication after the initial assessment.
Q) Are the treatments painful?
A) Treatments are completely pain free
Q) How long does a treatment go for?
A) The sessions go for 30 minutes

Drug Phoresis
Q) What is Drug Phoresis?
A) Drug Phoresis is a process of delivering drugs directly to the affected area through the use of either ultrasound (a process called phonophoresis), galvanic current (iontophoresis) or magnetic fields (magnetophoresis).
Q) Which medications are used?
A) At our Practice we use a wide variety of medications to suit your specific needs. The drugs we commonly employ are from the following groups: local analgesics (pain –relieving medications), NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), corticosteroids and vasodilators.
Q) Can anyone use drug phoresis?
A) The main instances where you can’t is if you have a pacemaker, cancer, systemic blood disorder, metal inserted in the area that needs to be treated or if you are pregnant. Before commencing any treatment your physiotherapists will do a thorough assessment and will make sure that it is safe for you to have the treatment.
Q) How many sessions do I need?
A) This depends on the nature of your condition. Generally the course involves 8-15 sessions which are conducted 3 times per week. Your physiotherapist will be able to give you a more accurate indication after the initial assessment.
Q) Are the treatments painful?
A) Treatments are completely pain-free.
Q) How long does a treatment go for?
A) The sessions go for 30 minutes.

Q) What is Therapeutic Massage?
A) Therapeutic Massage is the systematic manual manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for the purpose of promoting circulation of the blood and lymph, relaxing the muscles, relief from pain, and the restoration of metabolic balance.
Any one particular technique, or a combination of several techniques can be used.
Q) What are the benefits of massage?
A) Massage can improve circulation, help to loosen contracted muscles and stimulate weak muscles. Massage can also aid relaxation, help to reduce stress, help to prevent and relieve pain from injuries and muscle spasm, and improve flexibility. It improves posture and strengthens the immune system. The goal of Massage is to restore coordination and balance to the body's systems (muscular, skeletal, digestive, and circulatory) as well as to allow the recipient to experience calmness and clarity. Trained therapists apply pressure on different parts of the body.

Q) What is Hydrotherapy?
A) Hydrotherapy, or aquatic physiotherapy, is a form of physical therapy performed in a heated pool.
Q) What are the benefits?
A) Aerobic activity; Strengthening; Pain relief; Increases flexibility and range of movement; Reduces disc and joint compression; Aids in mobility; Stress reduction and relaxation; Cardiovascular fitness; Reduces high blood pressure; Improves balance and co-ordination; Improves general sense of well-being.

Corporate Health
Q) Why is Corporate Health so important?
A) At Health Point Physiotherapy we are aware of how much injuries can affect productivity at work, not to mention the other associated costs such as medical expenses, replacement staff and training. Posture related pain, incorrect manual handling and overuse injuries are some of the most common work related problems. We can assess your working environment and provide recommendations to ensure the workplace is organised correctly, as well as address the worker’s existing problems and prevent further pain and injury. These benefits will contribute to a better and safer working environment, less absenteeism due to sick leave and reduced insurance premium.
Q) How does it work in the workplace?
A) Health Point Physiotherapy has developed a special program for the workplace which will be presented over 2 seminars. The goal is to educate your staff, and help prevent injuries in the workplace. Both seminars are interactive, have practical components, and provide not only education but solutions that staff can implement independently to help reduce injuries.
The first seminar looks at general workplace injury prevention. Manual handling or lifting is the topic of the second seminar. Each seminar takes approximately 1 hour. As well as the seminars we offer an abbreviated Full Body Assessment screening, regular reassessments and short half hour Clinical Pilates sessions packed full for maximum benefit. These are all part of our corporate health program for the workplace.
Q) How does it work at the schools?
A) Health Point Physiotherapy has developed a special health screening program for school aged children. The assessment takes 20 minutes and is done on school grounds by qualified Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists from Health Point Physiotherapy, who will screen for existing or potential back, neck, soft tissue and respiratory problems. Each student will be taught how to correctly sit, stand, and safely lift to help prevent future health issues. At the end of the session we will discuss any potential problems and what steps can then be taken - this will also be outlined in the take home report for parents with assessment results. A free home exercise program is given to each participant. We also conduct educational seminars and provide ergonomic recommendations to teachers.